
CH.1 And Her Name Was Rem

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Somewhere in the back of her mind she knew her friends wouldn't have approved of her adventuring to the Wounded Coast alone and unarmed, but she couldn't imagine asking them to accompany her. She just needed some time alone to clear her mind, besides it's not like she could really trust any of them by this point anyway. Silently she stood in an small clearing, watching the lingering glow of the sun as it faded beyond the horizon, mimicking the images of her thoughts as she pondered what lead her to this point.

She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath of the twilight's cool breeze before she started to delve deeper into her past. Nothing could ever be easy could it? Running away from the darkspawn wasn't much different from running from the templars. Templars… Oh, Bethany… She tried to clear her mind by watching the last of the day's light give way to night, but she couldn't get Bethany off her mind. Her family was constantly on the run because Bethany always found a way to attract the templars' attention. But it was the terrified look in her eyes when she challenged that blighted ogre that caused her heart to ache. It was as if the entire darkspawn horde had trampled upon her glass heart. She wanted to fall to her knees and blame the world. Why couldn't I stop her? Even with all my training I was still useless. I am supposed to protect my family, but Carver and mother were right, I failed. My feet just couldn't move fast enough to get to Bethany in time, and the blood. The blood.

Though, she wasn't the only one who lost back then. She remembered running across Aveline and her ill-fated husband, Wesley, fighting a group of darkspawn.  It was only natural to help them, plus a few more blades against the darkspawn never hurt. That was until we discovered Wesley was a templar. Ironic? Sadly, she had to end the young templar's life soon after Bethany's demise. I'm sorry Aveline… so so sorry. I will do whatever I can to try and make up for this failure. When all looked to be lost, a surprising visitor came to their aid. Flemeth, the Witch of the Wilds, a legend indeed. What power she possessed. With the promise of delivering an amulet she aided us to safe passage to Kirkwall.

Enough. Turning to look at the glow of Kirkwall. She could hardly believe that it had just been one year since she found herself staring at the gates of the city of chains with what family she had left. Their cursed lineage was supposed to be their saving grace for safety and freedom. Amell… Hawke… both lines cursed by magic… and apparently plagued with tragedy so it seems. Poor Mother, it must have been hard to hear how far the Amells have fallen from grace. Through all this time we ran into quite a few interesting characters. Varric, a smooth and charming dwarf who is in need of a partner for his Deep Roads expedition. Varric had expressed that a significant amount of coin would be needed to keep the expedition afloat, as well as maps of Deep Road entrances. If this expedition didn't appear to be fruitful, I wouldn't have considered aiding that apostate grey wardern, Anders. The ideals about the injustices of the Circle are fine and dandy, but Anders' perspective is quite askew. However, it was our aid he wanted for an even trade for the Deep Road maps that we were looking for.

It wasn't long after aiding Anders that Meeran had offered us a job. He needed someone to meet with a contact, Anso, and do a job for him. In short, she ran into a most interesting character, Fenris. An elf like she had never seen before. He had markings tattooed on his body; well at least his arms and neck. Her mind began to stray; maybe they were more elaborate than that? Stop. He said those markings were forced upon him. That his former master was hunting him down because of them. Master, what a revolting idea. It is a disgusting idea that sends rage through her blood at the sheer thought of it. Varric, Anders and I tried to help him overthrow his former master at an abandoned mansion, but alas he was nowhere to be found. A shame really, she really did want to end the life of a person who could live using slavery as a luxury. And it was then that we discovered Fenris' hate of mages as he openly showed his disgust in Anders' abilities. His hatred for mages appeared to be just a little more concentrated than her own. After a little discussing and a little flirting, Fenris offered his aid in the future as a way to pay his debt to me.

A ghost of a smile appeared on her soft pink lips as her thoughts crossed her mind. She couldn't explain it but something about that elf called out to her like a beacon. Being around him sent shivers down her spine. Whether it was a mutual distrust and hate of magic, maybe his alluring eyes or his curiously tattooed flesh, she didn't know. But, he did give off a vibe that he was not to be touched. Hmph… that will have to be rectified, she thought.

Her smile soon faded as her thoughts trailed to the remainder of her companions she has meet recently; Isabella, Merril and Sebastion. As she began to think of the newest of her companions, her blank stare became a frown when she finally realized that the moon was now high above her and the scenery had become eerily dark. She took one last moment to savor the simplicity of the moon and stars above before she readied herself to go back to Gamlen's accursed hovel.  

"Hawke?" A deep husky voice called out curiously. Immediately she spun around on heel and toe, feeling the loose earth beneath her shift. She had turned so fast that she began to stumble backward towards the edge of he cliff. Damn, it's just my luck she thought briefly as she felt herself beginning to fall. Then, just as quickly an arm jutted out of the darkness and caught her by the wrist tightly and forcefully pulled her forward until she collided into a firm chest.

Resting against her rescuer in the assumed security he provided for a moment, she looked up to view him more clearly. He was warm, causing the goosebumps on her skin to melt away and smelt of freshly toiled earth. The detail of his face was barely visible thanks to the cover of night, but she became lost in the way the moonlight danced on his eyes. They were fierce, determined and curious. "Fenris?" She questioned. The moment he nodded and released the vice grip he had on her wrist she immediately pulled back, though disappointed by the removal of heat their proximity had provided, and bowed slightly as she blushed and apologized, "I'm sorry, I should have been paying more attention."

After rubbing her newly freed wrist, partially from pain but partially because she missed the security he provided. Swiftly she turned to gaze upon the moon, hiding her embarrassment. Then she closed her sapphire eyes as the breeze caught her long blonde hair. For a moment, there seemed to be a sense of serenity in her tumultuous life. She didn't even hear Fenris when he asked her what she was doing out here alone. It was just the cool night's air caressing her, the sound of the soft shuffling of leaves and the waves crashing below. She didn't even seem to mind that Fenris had caught her in her moment of contemplation, it was like he belonged there to start with. Finally she began to hear his deep voice again.

Fenris was in the middle of speaking to her when she started to pay attention once more, "… It is dangerous to be out here like this alone. Why didn't you have someone come with you?... (a brief silence)... Well, it is late and the vermin of the city will surely be claiming the streets. I could see you home if you wish." Though she still said nothing, just kept her eyes closed desperately trying to hold onto this peaceful moment while it lasted, for it felt as if it wouldn't last long. Fenris began to notice her delicate features, and how the moonlight seemed to accentuate her beauty. For only a moment, the smallest of smirk grew on his face. There were worse things than walking a beautiful women home. His smirk turned into curiosity when he saw how the wind caught her hair and revealing a deep scar along the back of her neck. It appeared to curve from under her ear, around the side of her neck and trailed down her back. Rubbing one of his scarred markings he thought if she did not volunteer the story behind it he would not push for it. She had done him the same kindness. He reached out and placed his hand heavily on her shoulder. "Hawke?" he asked. Ugh, that cursed name again… not that Amell is much better she thought. "Are you alright? ...Hawke?" he asked, as she hadn't even hinted that she had listened to him at all. At that she bowed her head down and faintly whispered, "My name is Rem." To which Fenris raised an eyebrow, giving her hushed confession a moments thought that was disrupted when she began to square her shoulders and lift her head. Appearing as confident as ever she turned to face Fenris and offered a soft smile, "Shall we head back then?" Fenris couldn't help himself but to feign a smile back at her.

They walked back in silence, which suited Fenris just fine. It allowed him to think over what he had observed as he kept a watchful eye over her. He didn't know why but he felt compelled to be a protective over her even though he didn't know her very well. But for the moment, he was more curious as to what Hawke meant by My name is Rem. What was wrong with 'Hawke'? But Rem… I like the sound of that he thought.
Hey... umm it's my first fan fiction.. ever... so PLEASE be kind... I'm pretty bad at grammar and spelling but I'll try my best so hopefully it won't be so bad.... And I haven't written a fictional story in years... keep that in mind.. any helpful advice is welcome :)

In summary, this introduces you to Rem Hawke towards the beginning. Also it alludes to a possible romance between Fenris and Rem oooolala! A little foreshadowing is always a good thing. It's before the Deep Roads expedition. so it'll be a long series I'm sure since I have the pictures for the end done up already...

Ummm Rem is mine
The rest is Bioware of course.

Chapter 2: [link]
© 2011 - 2024 wazubababi
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Tobyk947's avatar
You switch point of view from "she" to "us" and "we". I do that too when writing third person, it's a hard perspective to write I think. Good though